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How to lift your mood on gloomy days?
#liftyourmood #winterdepression #winterblues #herbstoliftyourmood #essentialoilstoliftyourmood #microbestoliftyourmood...

Are you in thyropause??
#perimenopause #menopausesymptoms #thyroidhealth #hormonebalance #hormoneimbalance #lowprogesterone #hypothyroid #thyroidautoimmune...

Why gut health is a non-negotiable in perimenopause and beyond
#perimenopause #menopause #estrobolome #microbiomehealthinperimenopause #microbiomehealthinmenopause #vaginalmicrobiome...

5 things to do against anxiety
#anxietyinperimenopause #anxietysolution #increasedanxiety #iwantmyzenback #lowprogesteroneandanxiety #perimenopausesymptoms...

Do you have trouble getting to sleep and then staying asleep...
#sleepissues #sleepissuesinperimenopause #sleepissuesinmenopause #insomniainperimenopause #insulinresistance #hormonesandsleep...

Estrogen dominance the main cause for breast cancer and hormonal migraines
#perimenopause #hormonebalance #menopausesymptoms #estrogendominance #hormonalmigraines #breastcancer #fibroids...

Why women are more prone to Alzheimer's disease
#womenandmentalhealth #womenaremorepronetoalzheimers #hormoneandalzheimersconnection #hormoneimbalance #menopause #perimenopause...

Why you should start weight bearing exercise in your 40s & beyond
#perimenopause #menopause #weighttraininginperimenopause #osteoporosis #bonehealth #takecareofyourself #avoidmuscleloss...

How much sugar is too much? Sharing my glucose monitoring experiment...
#bloodsugarbalance #insulinresistance #howmuchsugaristoomuch #hormonebalance #bloodsugarandmigraine #bloodsugarandenergy #CGM...

Is Genetic Testing for you?
#epigenetics #genetictesting #SNPs #geneticmutations #tailoredapproachtohealth #bioindividuality #MTHFR #COMT #BDNF #NOS3 #HNMT #DAO Most...

How your hormones impact anxiety, sleep, mood & migraine
#estrogenandmigraine #perimenopause #hormonebalance #hormonesandweight #hormonesandanxiety #lowprogesterone #hormonesandmood...

What you need to know about IUDs
#hormonebalance #IUD #hormonereplacementtherapy #hormonalmigraines #bioidenticalhormones I have been working with more and more clients...

The Thyroid - Migraine Connection
#migrainethyroidconnection #underlyingcausesofmigraines #hypothyroidism #migraines #neuroinflammation The thyroid is a small,...

Why blood sugar balance is the base for migraine freedom
#bloodsugarbalance #neuroinflammation #brainfog #anxiety #depression #migraines #headaches Balanced blood sugar levels are the base for a...

What are your options for hormonal migraines & menopause symptoms?
#hormonalmigraines #estrogendominance #lowprogesterone #menstrualheadaches #perimenopause #menopausesymptoms #naturalhormonebalancing...

My TOP 6 tips to boosting your progesterone levels naturally
#lowprogesterone #boostprogesteronenaturally #hormonebalance #zenhormone Most of us (especially in peri menopause) are dealing with low...

Why you need to try Castor oil for hormone balance!
#liverhealth #detoxeveryday #supporthealthyelimination #hormonebalance #estrogendominance #constipation #clearskin #castoroil...

8 Reasons Why You Need Protein
What is protein? Did you know that your organs, tissues, muscles and hormones (insulin and thyroid hormone) are all made from proteins?...
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