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Let's Face It: We Can't Be Perfect
That's why I detox ALL the time! #wecantbeperfect #toxicworld #detox #womenshealth #pollution #glyphosate #PFAS #heavymetals #chemicals...

Managing Migraines: Tips for Women Over 40
#migraineawareness #hormonalmigraines #menstrualmigraines #howdoyouknowifyourmigrainesarehormonal #migrainesinperimenopause...

Exploring the Relationship Between PMS, PMDD, Trauma and Perimenopause
#perimenopause #PMS #PMDD #trauma #histamineintolerance #hormoneimbalance #perimenopausesymptoms #hormonedisruptors #toxinexposure...

The Sunshine Vitamin that Acts as a Hormone
#sunshinevitamin #vitamind #immunehealth #hormonebalance #vdrgene #nutrientdeficiencies #migraines Last week we talked about sunscreens,...

5 things to do against anxiety
#anxietyinperimenopause #anxietysolution #increasedanxiety #iwantmyzenback #lowprogesteroneandanxiety #perimenopausesymptoms...

Estrogen dominance the main cause for breast cancer and hormonal migraines
#perimenopause #hormonebalance #menopausesymptoms #estrogendominance #hormonalmigraines #breastcancer #fibroids...

Does CBD work for migraine?
#CBD #cannabinol #inflammationsolution #cbdformigraine #painmanagement #anxietysolution #migraine #cbdforsleep What is CBD? CBD, or...

Is Genetic Testing for you?
#epigenetics #genetictesting #SNPs #geneticmutations #tailoredapproachtohealth #bioindividuality #MTHFR #COMT #BDNF #NOS3 #HNMT #DAO Most...

The Serotonin-migraine connection
#migraine #serotoninandmigraine #serotoninandguthealth #probiotics #tryptophan In the past it was believed that migraine symptoms were...

Can Vitamin D deficiency impact migraines?
#vitaminddeficiency #vitamindandmigraines #nutrientdeficienies #migrainenutrients #immunesystem Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin...

What you need to know about toxicity & migraines
#toxicburden #environmentaltoxins #liverhealth #toxicburdenandmigraines #internaltoxins #detox #cleanlifestyle #leakygut...

The Thyroid - Migraine Connection
#migrainethyroidconnection #underlyingcausesofmigraines #hypothyroidism #migraines #neuroinflammation The thyroid is a small,...

Why histamine can cause migraines
#migraines #histamineintolerance #guthealth #allergysymptoms #benadryl #DAO #immunehealth #mastcellactivationsyndrome #diamineoxidase...

Why blood sugar balance is the base for migraine freedom
#bloodsugarbalance #neuroinflammation #brainfog #anxiety #depression #migraines #headaches Balanced blood sugar levels are the base for a...

Could this cause your migraines?
#migraines #bloodsugarimbalance #bloodsugarcontrol #highbloodsugarsymptoms #migrainemanagement #migrainenutrition Glucose level...

What are your options for hormonal migraines & menopause symptoms?
#hormonalmigraines #estrogendominance #lowprogesterone #menstrualheadaches #perimenopause #menopausesymptoms #naturalhormonebalancing...
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