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Let's Face It: We Can't Be Perfect
That's why I detox ALL the time! #wecantbeperfect #toxicworld #detox #womenshealth #pollution #glyphosate #PFAS #heavymetals #chemicals...

Best Foods & Drinks for Weight Loss
#foodsforweightloss #drinksforweightloss #stubbornweight #increasefatburn #increasemetabolism #perimenopause #menopause #weightgain...

What’s Going on with Your Metabolism and Body Composition after 40?
#weightgain #bodycomposition #bodycompositionchangesinmenopause #bodycompositioninperimenopause #increasedfatstoragewithage #metabolism...

Truth Time: You Need to Make These Changes Once You Hit Your 40s
#increasedanxiety #irritability #brainfog #weightgain #sleepissues #heavyperiods #painfulperiods #inflammation #PMS #lifeafter40 #40plus...

Understanding Heavy Metals in Foods: Risks and Mitigation Strategies
#heavymetals #heavymetalpoisoning #weightgain #hormoneimbalance #brainfog #fatigue #cognitivedecline #lead #arsenic #mercury #cadmium...

BHRT does NOT = cancer!
#bioidenticalhormonetherapy #HRT #BHRT #hormonereplacement #perimenopause #menopause #menopausesymptoms #hotflashes #insomnia #depression...

3 key factors that impact your perimenopause symptoms
#perimenopause #menopausesymptoms #weightgain #insomnia #insulinresistance #inflammation #sleepdisturbances #stress #stressmanagement...

Testosterone, your vitality & strength hormone
#testosterone #lowtestosterone #lowsexdrive #weightgain #elevatedtestosterone #PCOS #insulinresistance #perimenopause #fertility...

What is metabolic health and how it impacts your hormones & your waistline
#metabolichealth #insulinresistance #inflammation #weightgain #pcos #menopausesymptoms #PMS #skindisorders #dementia #alzheimers...

Are you in thyropause??
#perimenopause #menopausesymptoms #thyroidhealth #hormonebalance #hormoneimbalance #lowprogesterone #hypothyroid #thyroidautoimmune...
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