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Let's Face It: We Can't Be Perfect
That's why I detox ALL the time! #wecantbeperfect #toxicworld #detox #womenshealth #pollution #glyphosate #PFAS #heavymetals #chemicals...

Bloating in Perimenopause: What’s Going On and How to Fix It
#bloating #digestiveissues #gas #perimenopause #lifeafter40 #womenshealth #guthealthmatters #improvingdigestion #immunereaction...

When to Start HRT?
#HRT #BHRT #hormonereplacment #hormonetherapy #perimenopause #perimenopausesupport #whentostarthrt #womenshealth #hormonebalance...

Why You Need to Eat Your Broccoli in Perimenopause
#whyyouneedtoeatyourbroccoli #DIM #sulforaphane #perimenopause #womensnutrition #womenshealth #hormonebalancing #estrogendetox #detox...

What to expect in peri & menopause?
#whattoexpectinperimenopause #whattoexpectinmenopause #hormonetransition #womenshealth #hormonefluctuations #symptomsofhormoneimbalance...

Why You Feel More Stressed in Perimenopause
#perimenopause #menopause #highcortisol #stress #fatigue #adrenalfatigue #stresssolution #getyourenergyback #whywearemorestressedinperime...

How Hormone Changes can Impact Your Mental Health
#increasedanxiety #menopause #womenshealth #menopausesupport #perimenopause #midlifewomen #hormoneimbalance #menopausesymptoms #menopause...

Navigating Perimenopause: The Power of Cycle Tracking
#perimenopause #cycletracking #basalbodytemperature #ovulation #knowwhereyouareinyourcycle #knowifyouovulated #HRT #BHRT #womenshealth...

Exploring the Relationship Between PMS, PMDD, Trauma and Perimenopause
#perimenopause #PMS #PMDD #trauma #histamineintolerance #hormoneimbalance #perimenopausesymptoms #hormonedisruptors #toxinexposure...

Hair Loss Solutions in Perimenopause
#hairloss #chinhair #perimenopause #perimenopausehelp #perimenopausesymptoms #hairlosssolutions #hightestosterone...

Natural contraception options for women
#naturalcontraception #womenshealth #contraceptionoptions #BHRT #FAM #trackyourcycle #cyclesyncing #perimenopause #fertility...

Exploring the Latest Research on Alzheimer's Causes and Women's Health
#latestresearchonalzheimers #dementia #neurodegenerativedisease #brainhealth #hormonebalance #insulinresistance #bloodsugarbalance...

What stage of hormone transition are you in?
#stagesofhormonetransition #hormonetransition #perimenopause #menopause #menopausesymptoms #womenshealth #hormoneimbalance...

Why gut health is a non-negotiable in perimenopause and beyond
#perimenopause #menopause #estrobolome #microbiomehealthinperimenopause #microbiomehealthinmenopause #vaginalmicrobiome...
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