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Why I don’t Recommend a Vegan Diet (Especially for Women)
#veganism #lackofnutrients #vegandiet #lackofprotein #lackoffattyacids #antinutrients #foodsensitivities #leakygut #hormonebalanceafter40...

Truth Time: You Need to Make These Changes Once You Hit Your 40s
#increasedanxiety #irritability #brainfog #weightgain #sleepissues #heavyperiods #painfulperiods #inflammation #PMS #lifeafter40 #40plus...

Why Optimizing Bile Flow is Crucial for Hormone Balance
#gallbladderhealth #bileflow #importanceofgallbladderhealth #liverhealth #detox #hormonemetabolism #importanceofbileforhormonebalance...

Exploring the Relationship Between PMS, PMDD, Trauma and Perimenopause
#perimenopause #PMS #PMDD #trauma #histamineintolerance #hormoneimbalance #perimenopausesymptoms #hormonedisruptors #toxinexposure...

Hair Loss Solutions in Perimenopause
#hairloss #chinhair #perimenopause #perimenopausehelp #perimenopausesymptoms #hairlosssolutions #hightestosterone...

From Insulin Resistance to Fatigue: the 7 Things that Affect Your Blood Sugar
#insulinresistance #bloodsugarimbalance #chronicfatigue #cellularaging #underlyingfactorsofinsulinresistance #womensnutrition...

The Gut-Brain Connection: Exploring How the Microbiome Affects Mental Health and Sleep
#microbiomehealth #mentalhealth #gutbacteriaandmentalhealth #gutbacteriaanddepression #guthealthinperimenopause #guthealthinmenopause...

Why do women have more sleep issues than men?
#sleep #sleepinperimenopause #sleepinmenopause #sleepissues #insomnia #sleepandage #womensleeplesswellthanmen #sleepissuesinperimenopause...

How to detox from forever chemicals
#foreverchemicals #PFAS #toxins #drinkingwatersafety #hormonedisruptors #thyroidhealth #fertility #cognitiveimpairment #obesity...

What are forever chemicals and how do they impact your health?
#foreverchemicals #PFAS #toxins #drinkingwatersafety #hormonedisruptors #thyroidhealth #fertility #cognitiveimpairment #obesity...

What labs should you run in perimenoause?
#perimenopause #labsinperimenopause #whatlabstoruninperimenopause #testyourhormones #hormonetesting #righttestingforhormones...

Fall foods for gut & immune health
#fallfoods #recipeinspiration #keepyourmicrobeshappy #eatseasonal #eatlocal #seasonalfoods #immunehealth #nourishingrecipes As the leaves...

How your hormones impact your immune system
#autoimmunedisease #hormonesandimmunefunction #hormonesandinflammation #immunefunctioninmenopause #genderdifferenceininfections Last...

The 2 best free things to support your immune function
#immunesupport #immunedefense #weakenedimmunefunction #immunesystem #lifestyletoolstosupportyourimmunesystem #foodforyourimmunedefense...

What you need to know about intermittent fasting for women
#intermittentfasting #intermittentfastingforwomen #intermittentfastinginperimenopause #cortisol #stresshormone #howtodofastingright...

Understanding Heavy Metals in Foods: Risks and Mitigation Strategies
#heavymetals #heavymetalpoisoning #weightgain #hormoneimbalance #brainfog #fatigue #cognitivedecline #lead #arsenic #mercury #cadmium...

Avoid these triggers for anxiety
#anxiety #anxietytriggers #foodsthattriggeranxiety #perimenopause #gaba #lowprogesterone #avoidtheseanxietytriggers #anxietysymptoms I...

Why protein is so important as we age & how to get enough
#agebetter #40plus #lifeafter40 #choosehealth #perimenopausehelp #hormonebalancing #womensnutrition #eatyourprotein #healthyaging...

Should you try carb cycling for hormone balance & exercise performance?
#carbcycling #hormonebalance #thyroidhealth #bloodsugarbalance #metabolicflexibility #lowcarb #lowcarbathlete #doyouneedcarbsforperforman...

Natural contraception options for women
#naturalcontraception #womenshealth #contraceptionoptions #BHRT #FAM #trackyourcycle #cyclesyncing #perimenopause #fertility...
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