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What your blood markers can tell you about your health...
Your blood markers can tell you so many things about your health, it’s a pity that most doctors are underusing this tool… To be fair, I...

Does CBD work for migraine?
#CBD #cannabinol #inflammationsolution #cbdformigraine #painmanagement #anxietysolution #migraine #cbdforsleep What is CBD? CBD, or...

Is Genetic Testing for you?
#epigenetics #genetictesting #SNPs #geneticmutations #tailoredapproachtohealth #bioindividuality #MTHFR #COMT #BDNF #NOS3 #HNMT #DAO Most...

How your hormones impact anxiety, sleep, mood & migraine
#estrogenandmigraine #perimenopause #hormonebalance #hormonesandweight #hormonesandanxiety #lowprogesterone #hormonesandmood...

How a parasite infection impacts your health
#parasiteinfection #bruxism #jawclenching #teethgrinding #chronicinfections #microbiomehealth #guthealth #parasites Many migraineurs are...

Get more energy, better sleep & improve chronic illness
#cellularhealth #antiaging #chronicdisease #migraines #fibromyalgia #mitochondrialfunction #lackofenergy #brainhealth Two weeks ago I...

How to make a weekend's worth of healthy food for the family?
What you need: 1 free-range chicken Veggies for lasagna (see exact ingredients in recipe) 10 eggs 1 can of organic beans or lentils 1...

Are you eating these "healthy" foods?
#nutritionmyths #commonhealthfoods #inflammationtrap #bloodsugarbalance #migrainetriggerfoods There are some common “health” foods that...

Should you avoid gluten?
#glutenfree #leakygut #autoimmune #impactofglutenongut #glutenandmigraine #glutensensitivity #glutenandhashimotos Going gluten free seems...

The Serotonin-migraine connection
#migraine #serotoninandmigraine #serotoninandguthealth #probiotics #tryptophan In the past it was believed that migraine symptoms were...

Iron deficiency - a female "disease"?
#irondeficiency #ironanemia #irondeficiencyandmigraine #migrainetips #migrainenutrition #migrainelife #migrainecomorbidities...

Can Vitamin D deficiency impact migraines?
#vitaminddeficiency #vitamindandmigraines #nutrientdeficienies #migrainenutrients #immunesystem Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin...

Got allergies?
#seasonalallergies #migraine #histamineintolerance #MCAS #immunehealth #environmentalallergies Migraine or headaches can be a side effect...

What you need to know about IUDs
#hormonebalance #IUD #hormonereplacementtherapy #hormonalmigraines #bioidenticalhormones I have been working with more and more clients...

Detox your mind & increase resilience to relieve migraines and chronic fatigue
#detox #emf #monkeymind #chronicfatigue #migraines #toxicburden #declutter #minfulness #raiseyourthreshold #increaseresilience There’s...

My TOP 7 tips to eliminate toxins
#eliminatetoxins #detox #reduceyourtoxicburden #ecofriendly #naturaldetox #cleanlifestyleformigraines #healthyliving So last week we...

What you need to know about toxicity & migraines
#toxicburden #environmentaltoxins #liverhealth #toxicburdenandmigraines #internaltoxins #detox #cleanlifestyle #leakygut...

What to do against long COVID?
#longhaulersymptom #mitochondrialdysfunction #leakygut #anxiety #depression #fatigue #brainfog #impairedbrainfunction #longcovid...

The Thyroid - Migraine Connection
#migrainethyroidconnection #underlyingcausesofmigraines #hypothyroidism #migraines #neuroinflammation The thyroid is a small,...

Why histamine can cause migraines
#migraines #histamineintolerance #guthealth #allergysymptoms #benadryl #DAO #immunehealth #mastcellactivationsyndrome #diamineoxidase...
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