This is a yummy dish that you can have for breakfast or mid-day snack. It's easy to take with you to work as well.
The oats will keep your blood sugar stable and support healthy cholesterol. Hemp protein, collagen powder, eggs and nuts are great source of protein and healthy fats that make this the perfect dish : FAT, FIBER, PROTEIN . But it's not only nutritious and practical, it's also yummy :-)
- 1 cup of rolled oats (I use gluten-free but if you are not sensitive, just use regular oats)
- 1 scoop of collagen powder (I use this one)
- 1 scoop (approx 25g) vegan protein powder (I use this one)
- 1/2 cup leftover pulp from nutmilk or almond meal (ground almonds or other nuts)
- a pinch of sea salt
- 1 tsp cinnamon and baking soda
- 1 splash of Apple cider vinegar
- 1 grated tonka bean or vanilla extract
- 2 free range eggs
- 1 medium zucchini
- 1 small green tipped banana (I used frozen)
- 1 cup blueberries (I used frozen)
- 1 handful dried gojiberries
- 1/2-1cup of full fat coconut milk
1) grate zucchini in food processor
2) add in spices, banana, baking soda, vinegar, eggs and mix again
3) add in oats , almond pulp or meal, collagen and protein powder and mix well
4) preheat oven at 175°C
5) grease cookie pan or whatever you use with coconut oil
6) spread berries on the bottom of the baking tin
7) add your mix on top and carefully spread without touching too much the berries
8) pour coconut milk on top so that the edges of your mix are covered
9) bake at 175°C for 40-50 mins until the top is dry
Notes: I like a moist texture but if you want this to more dry, you can swap the almond meal or pulp by almond or coconut flour for instance. You can omit the collagen powder if you don't have it. Instead of the banana you can also use a couple of TBSP of apple sauce.
Let me know how you like it and how you made it!